DIMS-council is a common study council for the two study programmes Design & Innovation and Data Science and Management. We are a mix of students from all years of the two studies. We always have fun at our meetings and have a good internal friendship. The study council produces both vocational and social events for the studies, this includes parties like the “Rød-Gul-Grøn”-party and “Maskebal”, plus vocational events such as “Projekt confetti” where older students tells about their BSc and MSc thesis’. Additionally the study council handles relevant parts in PF such as the common council, social committee, Vocal council, and we have representatives in the institutes management (MAN) and mechanical engineering (MEK) which is the institutes the study programmes are related too. At the moment we are focused on involving students outside the council to help with events. We wish to give a better opportunity to for students to volunteer and arrange events like parties and vocal events.

We always think it is fantastic to get new and active members, and we are always welcoming new members warmly.

We represent the following Msc studylines as well:

Msc. Business Analytics and Msc Design and Innovation

Meeting frequency: Once a month
Chairmen: Jakob Høyer Madsen, jakob.hoyer@gmail.dk

Vice Chairmen: William Sommer, willer@pf.dk

Meetings normally start at 18:00, and food is usually served at 17.15 if we have a kitchen available. If you are intrested in joining a meeting feel more then welcome to contac the chairman og vice chairman.

Contact: Inquiry to the chairmen, otherwise vectors can always help the new students.
Active members: About 25

Date for upcoming meetings:

  • Mon 25/04/22
  • Tue 14/06/22
  • Wen 07/09/22
  • Mon 10/09/22
  • Tue 11/10/22
  • Wen 16/11/2022
  • Mon 09/01/23
Last updated: September 27, 2022