
The MediKoBS Council is a small cosy council with approximately 16 members from the bachelor programmes Biomedical Engineering and Quantitative Biology & Disease Modelling. In 2016/2017, we became the incubation council for the new bachelor programme Quantitative Biology & Disease Modeling, and our focus has been to get them well into the every day life at DTU.

Our council works towards improving the academical and social aspects of the study life at DTU. Our council holds a yearly Christmas dinner and earlier we have held a masquerade ball with the bachelor programmes Design & Innovation and Strategic Analysis & Systems design. Academically we have held course workshops with the purpose of clarifying what courses that are available and what benefits they have for the students that study in the programmes Biomedical Engineering and Quantitative Biology & Disease Modelling.

Our council belongs to the Department of DTU Healthtech, DTU Bioengineering and Panum at University of Copenhagen.

We have a monthly meeting, which is hold on Mondays and everyone is welcome to join and hear more about our council.

If you would like to know more about our council please visit our facebook page Medico og KBS – Studieråd or contact our chairman Frederik Peetz-Schou Larsen. He will happily answer any questions that you may have.

Otherwise we have to co-chairs:

  • Sofie Skovgaard Larsen –
  • Robert Dunker Pedersen –

Future meetings:
Monday: 25th September 2023

Room:  TBA

Last updated: August 25, 2023