
Remember to read ALL of this information BEFORE making any purchases. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that the rules are followed.

Occasionally, you may pay for expenses with your own money for the association in connection with an event or similar activity.

When you need to be reimbursed, you must fill out an expense claim form. ALL blue fields must be completed. The bank registration number must always be provided with 4 digits, and the account number with a maximum of 10 digits without spaces. This information can often be found on the back of your debit card. Amounts should be written in the format xxxx.xx or without decimals. Do not write DKK or kr. - only digits are allowed in this column.

The expense claim form can be found here: Udlaegsseddel_m_forms.

This is the ONLY form with blue fields that is approved for expenses. The file MUST be opened in Adobe – NOT in Chrome or other programs, and once the file is completed, it MUST be saved in Adobe; that is the only way it will have the correct format. The file should not exceed 7 MB. The file should also not be set to print when it is opened. https://get.adobe.com/dk/reader/

When filling out expense claim forms, it is important that your receipts are in order. You can read more about receipt requirements in the next section.

It is your own responsibility to ensure that student council chairperson or the council's financial officer has completed the accounting section and approved the expense in the lower part of the claim form. It is the financial officer’s task to check that the receipts match the amount on the expense claim form exactly.

Both the completed expense sheet and the attachment must be sent to bilag@pf.dk in a combined PDF.

You cannot not show up at the secretariat to hand in the expense sheet anymore, but you can scan your invoice/receipt at the PF Secretariat during opening hours, which can be found at the bottom of www.pf.dk under PF information.

You can combine your PDF at http://pdf.pf.dk. Here you can also change your pictures to PDF.

In case of questions, write to cfo@pf.dk or oekonomi@pf.dk

More about attachments to expense sheets

When purchasing from Danish websites, you must be aware that the (INVOICE) RECEIVER is always POLYTEKNISK FORENING.

When buying from websites, you should check (CVR and physical address) that it is a Danish-registered company you intend to buy from – even if the site has a .dk domain. Foreign companies also use .dk domains.

The seller's name, address, and CVR number, a unique receipt/invoice number, the paid amount, and the amount or percentage of VAT must all be included on the receipt. The receipt must also show WHAT was purchased. An order confirmation is NOT the same as an invoice, even if it contains all the above information (and because it can later be cancelled, it is not approved by SKAT). A credit card receipt is also not approved by SKAT. The only exception is a receipt for crossing the Great Belt. Unfortunately, DTU Library cannot be used for expenses related to printing, laminating pouches, etc., as only a credit card receipt is issued. Consider using the PF Secretariat instead. Remember that you must be able to see the entire receipt when you photograph or scan it.


DO NOT purchase goods from other countries than Denmark. If this is absolutely necessary, you MUST contact the secretariat during the time our accountant (bogholderi@pf.dk) is present, before making any purchases. VISTAPRINT is strictly forbidden.

The above is especially important to communicate when ordering food. If the food is delivered, it must be stated at the time of ordering that if a receipt with the required information is not provided, the food will not be paid for. If the food is ordered online, the recipient must be Polyteknisk Forening, and the person placing the order may be noted as the contact person.

NEVER order through Just Eat online, as they do not send an invoice/receipt that meets the tax authorities' requirements. La Vida and Sara's Pizza have previously provided approved receipts – ask BEFORE ordering. If an invoice from an online purchase or a receipt with the required information is not provided, reimbursement for the expense will NOT be issued.

Especially for treasurers in student councils:

You can only send in expense claims to bilag@pf.dk nothing else.

Expense claim forms should be filled out with the name and bank details of the person who is to receive the payment. The amount and purpose must also be completed. A receipt/invoice must always be attached in accordance with the above-mentioned requirements. REMEMBER to provide the name of the student council in the text columns and the student council's 5-digit account number. Only the 5-digit no. must be in the field ”Ktonr. + evt. afd” never text in this column.!

If there have been personal payments that cause discrepancies in the receipts, please add "minus personally paid" in the "In connection with" field after your description.

Afterwards, the financial officer must approve the payment. If the financial officer is the one to be reimbursed, the student council chairperson must approve the payment.

Here you can see an example of a correctly filled-out expense claim form: Udlæg korrekt udfyldt

If the student council receives an invoice from a company or Bathtub/KABS, they must be forwarded to bogholderi@pf.dk with the information that the invoice has been approved and must be paid via your student council account no. 16xxx. The secretariat will take care of the payment so that council members do not have to pay for the invoice themselves.

If the student council is to have money from an institute at DTU or a company, an invoice from PF must be issued. The secretariat can help you with this if you send an e-mail to bogholderi@pf.dk with the following information:


Invoice to a company:

Name of the company as registered in CVR:

CVR number:

Amount to be invoiced:

Purpose of invoice (sponsorship/cabintrip/etc):

Order number of company (only needed if the company states that):

Name of contact person:

E-mail address of contact person:


In case you need to issue an invoice to a DTU institute regarding for example sponsorships for the studystart or cabintrips, we need the following information:


Invoice to a DTU institute:

DTU order number (ALWAYS! Even if the institute says, that it is not necessary)

EAN number:

Name of contact person:

Purpose of invoice (sponsorship/cabintrip/etc):

Amount to invoice:



If the council needs an account statement of the council account (16xxx), please send an e-mail to bogholderi@pf.dk

Please note that when you read the statement minus means that the council has money on the account, that you can spend. Clicking on the paperclip displays the current attachment.

When in doubt? Always ask the secretariat. Better to ask once too often than once too little.



Last updated: February 26, 2025