Study start

As a freshman at DTU, you can choose to participate in the study start. It is organized by PF and involves both intro trips/weeks, events, and the opportunity to be appointed an older student who can help you through your first semester.

PF plans the study start for both undergraduate, exchange and graduate students. Older students spend a tremendous amount of hours preparing everything, and blood, sweat, tears, and lots of enthusiasm is sacrificed to prepare the study start.

We hope you will join in and appreciate for all work our volunteers have put into make your study start as great as possible. Here you can read more about the Bachelor study start and the Master study start.

As a new student at DTU, there are many things that are nice to know. It can also be found in our app “PF – Polyteknisk Forening

Bachelor study start

Are you starting your studies as a bachelor student at DTU? The 29 Coordinators of the Bachelor Study Start (KABS) are working hard to plan Denmark’s best study start for you! You can read much more on PF’s study start webpage, where you can also sign up for the Introduction trips. See you at DTU!

About the study start

In the summer study start, approx. 250 vectors in 30 teams receives the approx. 2200 freshmen starting this summer. All of this is coordinated by 30 KABS, each responsible for a study program and for helping the vectors arrange Rus trips. KABS, vectors and cabin bums jointly create the best possible study start for the upcoming freshmen.


Denmark’s best start of study would not exist without the vectors. Vectors are older students and we hire about +250 vectors annually to accommodate the new students. In groups including one KABS they arrange Rus trips, cabin trips, events for the individual study programs, cake meetings, and more.


KABS is short for Coordinator of the Bachelor Study Start. There are 29 KABS, each responsible for a study program and a Rus trip, three of which are weekend trips one of these being non-alcoholic. They are pre-approved in the Joint Council (FR) in November and finally approved at the first FR meeting of the spring semester. KABS meet up once a week in the period from November to their resignation in February. They hire the vectors, exchange experiences with other universities, contact external educators for the training of vectors and much more.

Master study start

If you are a starting your master or exchange studies at DTU, you can participate in the Master study start. It is planned by the PF Master Student Coordinators in collaboration with DTU. It includes Introduction Week, fun events during the semester, as well as cabin trips in the beginning of the fall and spring semester. You can read more about the Master study start on PF’s study start webpage.

For more information they can be contacted at
Updates on their activities can also be found on their facebook page.

Last updated: July 12, 2024