Summons for the Joint Council

Here can the preliminary dates for the Joint Council meetings for FR24 running from the acceding meeting until and including the acceding meeting for FR25. The dates for all the ordinary meetings are chosen on the acceding meeting and will as a rule thumb not be changed. In some cases extraordinary meetings can occur. For meetings that have been summoned the  agenda and the appendices will be available on this page. Preliminary summons will be sent out at the latest 10 days before the meeting.

Meetings for FR24

FR350: February 3rd 2023 (Saturday)
The Joint Council and the Board (B24) takes office. Approval of FR meeting calendar and tasks list. Election for the Advisory members of the Finance Council. Approval of KABS focus paper. Final approval of KABS. Presentation of B24s vision paper. Election for the coordination committee. Election for the FR member of the club committee. Approval of B24s nominations for various groups.
Election for: Joint Council Executive Committee (FRFU, 3-6 persons, at least one from the board and one from the Joint Council)

FR351: March 14th 2024
Internal alignment of expectations, Approval of the whistleblower scheme, Orientation from the board of PF about the new study start, Approval of the whistleblower group.

FR352: April 18th 2024
Election for: Financial council (internal members), Critical Audit, PF Humor

FR353: June 20th 2024
Approval of the ordinary constitutional period. Discussion about the long term economy of the association. Approval of the budget.
Election for: The board evaluation committee (Beu), The Election and Constitution Committee (VOKU), The Finance Council (external members), supplementary election for Political Group (PG)

FR354: September 26th 2024
Elections for: KABSeueu, Political Group

Agenda (pending)

Appendices (pending)

FR355: October 24th 2024
Approval of the annual report. Presentation of the Critical Audit report

Agenda (pending)

Appendices (pending)

FR356: November 23rd 2024 (Saturday)
Elections for: The Board, KABS, the Finance Council (internal members)

Agenda (pending)

Appendices (pending)

FR357: January 16th 2025
Elections for: Political Group, CUU, DUU, CREW-chairpersons, Event Committee

Agenda (pending)

Appendices (pending)

FR358: February 8th 2025 (Saturday)
The president’s report. The Coordination Committee, the Board and the Joint Council resigns

Agenda (pending)

Appendices (pending)

Last updated: June 8, 2024