
Polyteknisk Forening collaborates with a number of companies and organisations to improve the student conditions at DTU, and to strengthen the contact between students and industry among other things.

We want to offer our members academically based events that can add perspective and inspiration to our education as well as student life. Additionally, we support efforts to spread the positive view on engineers and make engineering educations more attractive.

The Danish Society of Engineers, IDA

PF and IDA has a natural partnership, as PF works to improve the conditions for engineering students at DTU, while IDA works for engineering students and graduates in Denmark. When you join PF, you will also get the opportunity to become a student member of IDA. IDA offers a wide range of membership benefits, among other things a FREE home contents insurance throughout your study period. IDA also offers many different academical and social events, both on and off DTU campus.


A student membership of IDA costs DKK 0 the first year – and after that, DKK 20 per month.


Engineer the Future

PF is a partner in Engineer the Future, which is an organisation working to increase the focus on engineers in order to get more people to realise that the technical sciences are incredibly exciting. PF's role in this partnership is to tell interesting stories from the life as an engineering student.

Lån & Spar

Lån & Spar is another partner of PF. The collaboration means that we can make a lot of cool event that makes life better as a student. This is at the same time that you learn more about the world of economics.


GoTutor is one of PF's partners. GoTutor offers students at DTU a relevant and meaningful study job as homework help for students in primary and secondary schools.
As a DTU student, you have good skills in the natural sciences, for which GoTutor experiences great demand.

Last updated: July 26, 2024