The Physics Council

The Physics Council (Fysikrådet in Danish) is the student council for Engineering Physics (FysIng) as well as Geophysics and Spacetechnology (Space). FysIng and Space have a close working relationship sharing several early courses, leading to the student councils close working relationship, sharing in decision making and event planing.

Among the events organized by The Physics Council are the yearly cabin trip for students at any stage of their education and the yearly Christmas dinner also for alle students. The council has several committees including CV (cool virksomheder) which promotes ties between students and industry and organises events roughly every semester.
The council also serves as students primary communication channel to the rest of PF.

The minutes from our meetings can be foundhere (in Danish)

We also have a Facebook page, which is a good place to find both news about the council and our upcoming events both academic and social:

The councils Chairpeople can always be contacted for information about the council and to hear when the meetings will be held.

Chairmen 2022/2023:
Physics and Nanotechnology: Sarah Vestergaard,
Earth and Space Physics and Engineering: Laura Asta Ejsing,

Agendas and standard meeting info

All agendas for the council can be found here.
In general the council meetings are held Wednesday befor the Joint Council meeting in building 311 (either in room 001 or the Lounge above) at 18.00. Prior to the meeting (around 17.00), food is served for the price of 25 DKK.  It is always okay to show up to the meetings without prior sign-up, but there will not be food available for you without.

Meeting dates for 2024/2025

March 13, 2024
April 17, 2024
June 19, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 25, 2024 (constituting meeting)
October 23, 2024
November 20, 2024
January 15, 2025
February 5, 2025

Meeting summoning for meeting 2023/2024:

Date: 19th of June, 2024
Time: 18:00 (food prior)
Location: Room 001, building 311 (directly bellow the Lounge)

Sign up happens here
Agenda: link (Only in Danish, as the meeting will be held in Danish)

Last updated: June 13, 2024