The P&K Council represents bachelor Mechanical Engineering. The Council has 36 active members covering both students from Mechanical Engineering, but also from relevant Masters that can be taken after completion of the bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. The P&K Council is in cooperation with the MEK institute, responsible for various academic events such as course explanation and professional presentations, as well as social events such as Christmas lunch and cottage trips for everybody studying Mechanical Engineering.

The P&K Council has a monthly meeting in all normal study months, which approximately fits with 9 meetings a year. It is allowed for everyone to attend the meetings and if you announce it before the meeting, it will also be possible to attend dinner with the council, but you will not have official voting rights until you are a member of the Council.

The Council now has Tjalfe Chessni as chairman and Mads Friis as Deputy Chairman. It is possible to contact Tjalfe by mail at s224679@dtu.dk

Next meeting:

The next meeting is a constituting meeting

27th September 2023, 18:00
P&K-room in 421
Agenda: can be found here

Last updated: October 10, 2023